Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Generation's-Worth of New Language

When we read the article about how the word 'skanks' has become a regular greeting used by today's youth, it made me realize how much our generation has changed what is acceptable language to use on a daily basis. Half the words we use today would have been completely taboo twenty years ago. But a culmination of this language along with television and especially music has made many words and phrases alright to use. Our generation constantly tests and pushes the boundaries of what our culture considers politically correct.
On one side, this isn't such a bad thing. With less and less taboo words and phrases people don't have to be so careful about what they say, as people don't attach much meaning to such language. However, it depends on the person. People could still take something totally seriously even if another person meant it as a joke. Even though personally I don't have a problem with a lot of the language used in today's society, you never know who will, so it's best to use it carefully, depending on your audience.


  1. but is it okay for girls to call each other skank?

  2. no, i don't think so, because personally when i hear girls call each other skank i still associate it with being an actual skank. and to me it isn't really a term of endearment that i would call my friends.
